
Paper Spine Cactus


The Paper Spine Cactus is characterized by its distinctive cylindrical or columnar stems that consist of segmented joints. These joints are formed by accordion-like folds in the stem, giving it a unique appearance. The stems are typically bluish-green in color and have a papery or parchment-like texture, which gives rise to its common name.


  • Full sun to partial shade
  • Typical water needs for a succulent
  • Propagation by offsets
  • Generally non-toxic to humans and animals
  • Winter Dormant

The Paper Spine Cactus is characterized by its distinctive cylindrical or columnar stems that consist of segmented joints. These joints are formed by accordion-like folds in the stem, giving it a unique appearance. The stems are typically bluish-green in color and have a papery or parchment-like texture, which gives rise to its common name.


  • Full sun to partial shade
  • Typical water needs for a succulent
  • Propagation by offsets
  • Generally non-toxic to humans and animals
  • Winter Dormant
Weight .5 kg


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